Dinky Goes to the Hamptons

by Emily Kil Illustrated by Carey Bruno


Book Details

Dinky is a small, lonely pony and Sophia is a little girl afraid of big horses. Can Sophia and Dinky work together to realize their big dream? This fictional story is based on a real-life pony by the same name, who went on to win the 2018 USEF Pony Jumper Championships.


About the Author

Emily Kil Illustrated by Carey Bruno

Emily Kil grew up riding horses in Connecticut. She was active in the Mystic Pony Club and grew up eventing. Emily met the real Dinky while working at the farm where Dinky grew up. She wrote Dinky’s story while earning her Master’s Degree in Education. Emily has been an elementary school teacher for 15 years. She now lives in Colorado. Emily is also a volunteer and Board Member of the Rocky Mountain Horse Rescue.