Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method

by Soma Mukhopadhyay

Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method

Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method

by Soma Mukhopadhyay

Published Mar 28, 2016
210 Pages
Genre: EDUCATION / Special Education / Communicative Disorders


Book Details

Developing Expressive Language In Verbal Students With Autism

This book was written for a group of students with autism who have enough speech to state requests or recite dialogs but not enough to discuss a specific topic. This book will describe ways I have found to successfully work with verbal and semi-verbal students with Autism who may have functional speech but are struggling with academic progress. This book includes chapters to map a communication formula. “Soma Mukhopadhyay takes us to the next level in thinking about how access to RPM can promote the development of speech. This book would be helpful for professionals and families wondering how augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) and speech work together.” Katie Anawalt, M.S., CCC-SLP “As a Speech-Language Pathologist for 27 years and a practicing Certified RPM Provider of over 3 years, I find RPM helps students access language through RPM that they are not able to access through speech. Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method is a valuable tool for challenges such as word retrieval that many students on the Autism Spectrum may experience.” Jackie Dorshorst M.S.,SLP


About the Author

Soma Mukhopadhyay

Soma Mukhopadhyay is the Executive Director of Education for HALO (Helping Autism through Learning & Outreach) in Austin, TX. Soma holds a Bachelors of Education degree and a Masters degree in Chemistry. Students come from all over the world to benefit from her innovative teaching approach. Since developing the Rapid Prompting Method to teach her own son Tito, Soma has been featured on CNN International, 60 Minutes II, PBS, BBC and Good Morning America, and in the New York Times newspaper, People, Scientific American and National Geographic magazines.

Also by Soma Mukhopadhyay

Understanding Autism through Rapid Prompting Method
Curriculum Guide For Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Developing Communication for Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Developing Motor Skills for Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Harnessing Stims and Behaviors in Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Mathematical Concepts For Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Growing Sensory Tolerance Using Rapid Prompting Method