The New Americanism

by Dr. Frank Ferrin



The New Americanism

by Dr. Frank Ferrin

Published Oct 08, 2020
150 Pages
Genre: POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Ideologies / Conservatism & Liberalism


Book Details

The American Dream is in serious jeopardy, as our democracy faces multiple challenges both Global and domestic.

Multiple challenges face our Nation from domestic issues to international concerns. The American Dream is in serious jeopardy and the future of our democratic form of government seems to be heading into a “parallel Universe” without any hope for converging ideas that will benefit our people without pandering to any and all minority groups. Unscrupulous and corrupt legislators continue to push a misguided agenda that fulfills no promise for the individual American. These legislators milk the goodness of our country while clamoring about faults and ignoring any virtues. These same legislators pretend to seek atonement for the mishaps of the past, when they are merely seeking power and control over our people. The 2020 Presidential Election will be the ringing of a new LIBERTY BELL, reclaiming the rights of the individual, avoiding populistic pandering and protecting our National integrity, our National dignity, and our historical roots. Demoralization of our major institutions and dwindling ethical standards will bring about only a critical destabilization of our National goodness. What has always made American strong is “the American Way of Life”. America has prospered while securing our freedoms, forever promoting American Exceptionalism and always expanding our economy, enhancing our National Defense, and encouraging the support for fair and civic interactions both domestically and abroad.


Book Excerpt

DEMOLITION POLITICS has consistently pemeated politial effort in America over many decades. Loss of any moral compass, and disregard for civility and human dignity, has created an elitist class of politicians with an unquenchable thirst for power that will allow them control over the people of America.
A total disregard for the National Good, yields to a rampant desire to drastically change the fiber of our society and repeatedly burdens our democracy with untenable challenges to our liberties, our economy, our health system, our judicial system and our American Dream.
Misguided and deceitful legislators, seek to demoralize all major institutions, and in general achieve degradation of our history. They pretend to promote "evolution" while endorsing criminality and malfeasance, yielding nothing productive or constructive for the beterment of our Nation and its people.
Dialogue becomes confrontational, diversity trumps unification, debate leads to censorship, and perception confuses reality.
Our National Pride is undermined byfake news and a new cancel culture.
Our ethnicity is challenged and gets confused with race, while free speech negates respect for the opinion of others.
WE THE PEOPLE are the true essence of this country.
Disingenuous and misleading rhetoric has led our people to aspirational delusions that result in radically mistaken identities.
WE THE PEOPLE, the voters of America deserve the best effort from our legislators without causing the destruction of our social fiber.
WE THE PEOPLE, want change for the better, construction and not destruction should be the guiding principle, that will preserve our democracy and the American Dream.


About the Author

Dr. Frank Ferrin

The author was born in Cuba.  His parents and grandparents, of Spanish descent, left Spain in the early 1900's to escape fascism and communism.
As a product of the Castro "revolution" in 1959, many changes took place on different levels:  social, financial, spiritual.  First hand experience with liberalism, socialism, communism and national abuse of the Cuban people yielded to self-preservation, and as a family, the decision was made iln 1960, to make a permanent move to the US.  Miami was the destination.
As a young child, the family frequently visited to the United Staes, as tourists. Typical places like Key West, Miami, and Miami Beach were enjoyed.
As a family, they would seek permanent residence and later citizenship through the established channels at that time.  
The transition was not easy.  Lots of issues to solve: but gradually, growing up in America, the Ferrin family, embraced and engaged the offered Americanism, with the desired freedoms and potential the American society had to offer.
The elders adjusted but never really adapted fully, primarily because they always harbored the hope of a quick return to their homeland.  Something that was never to happen in their lifeteime.
Younger members of the family indeed adapted, assimilated and became integrated into the fiber of Americanism.  They were willing and able to move forward and make this country their chosen "heaven" to seek social aspirations and live the Ameriican Dream.
Dr. Ferrin has lived in Miami most of his life.  He did his graduate and postgraduate studies in Miami but later spent several years in Spain furthering his studies.  
This new transition from American to Spanish cultures, rekindled the appreciation for Americanism.
While living in Spain, Ferrin experienced the Franco era, as a nationalist dictatorship, and later was present for the slow transition into European Socialism in the late 70's. 
Many memories were rehashed as he watched the different aspects of life in Spain under socialism, mutate into a less favorable climate where the individual could not find stimulus and encouragement to prosper and maintain self-determination.
Ferrin then moved back to Miami, finished his medical training and has practiced medicine for over 40 years.  Again, unfortunately, he has observed the degradation of the American health system, the enhancement of the welfare state". the progressive development of the "deep state" and the rise of a new wave of "subversive ideologies", divisiveness, renewed angers and systemic segregation, as well as a rise in prejudicial conducts, with a general mobilization of American society towards socialism and anarchy.
Ferrin lives the American Dream to its fullest potential, with his wife, two sons, three grandkids and some very special, close friends.  He is most appreciative of all the opportunities he has encounted along the way resulting from his early decision to become an American and conduct his life, as an American.  
A very firm conviction exits, reenforcing the belief that the American Dream is very much alive and well, and he fervently encourages a serious scrutiny of the present political and social climate, so as to avoid, any mishaps that might alter the path to the freedom and wellness that all Americans deserve.

Also by Dr. Frank Ferrin

Deconstructing the Food Pyramid