A career educator and songwriter, Don Gnecco most recently served as Dean of Education at Piedmont University. He currently serves as president of - and volunteers at - a local literacy council. Additionally, Don creates stained-glass art at Hemlock Studio Gallery in Clarkesville, Georgia.
Don and his wife Nancy Lee have three adult children and five grandchildren. They reside in northeast Georgia, in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains and maintain a home on the southern Maine coast.
Check out Don's website: www.DonGnecco.com
The Dean’s Underwear
Living My American Dream
by Don Gnecco

The Dean’s Underwear
Living My American Dream
by Don Gnecco
Published Dec 10, 2019
503 Pages
Genre: BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Personal Memoirs
Book Details
The Resilience of the Human Spirit Is Unmistakable…
From humble beginnings in a cockroach-infested garage apartment on the Mississippi bayou to a former P.O.W. camp in New Mexico, Don Gnecco’s poignant, synchronistic, and humorous anecdotes take the reader on a twisty path through New England, Puerto Rico, and eventually to the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in northeast Georgia.
An abusive father, a strict Catholic upbringing, and multiple moves in adolescence set the stage for what could have been a life of desperation and despair. Having survived a near-fatal automobile calamity in Indianapolis and electrocution in New Mexico, we come to appreciate the resilience of a child born into poverty in a military family who – surprisingly - becomes a lifelong educator.
Playing softly in the background is Don Gnecco’s longstanding passion for music and performing that only emerges in his forties, after his children are nearly grown.
A fifty-year career as an educator, school administrator and college dean parallel Don's leading roles as husband, father of three, and grandfather of five.
About the Author