Crisis as a Platform for Social Change from Strawberry Mansion to Silicon Valley

by Dr. Shelton J. Goode


Book Details

Crisis As A Platform For Change From Strawberry Mansion To Silicon Valley

If you could read only one book about diversity this is it! Dr. Shelton Goode answers a collective hunger for a new direction, fresh solutions to old problems, and a different kind of conversation—straight talk with no chaser—to a new generation. Crisis as a Platform for Social Change from Strawberry Mansion to Silicon Valley is Dr. Goode’s impassioned wake-up call to take our understanding of diversity to a new level—beyond finger pointing and well-meaning initiatives and toward the shared goal of building inclusive communities, robust companies, and a thriving country! This original and thought-provoking book will help leaders in any setting—business, educational, and community—break out of the status quo and reinvigorate the spirit “that we can do better than this”! The book, which chart’s Dr. Goode’s own evolution in diversity thinking, includes deeply felt personal perspectives on tensions and uncertainties that can be traced to a country awakening to the fact that it is becoming more diverse and struggling with the social and political changes to make it more inclusive.


Book Excerpt

If any change is to come from the deaths of Michael Brown, Samuel DuBose, Eric Garner, Freddie Gray, and the dozens of African- American men who died like them, we, the people, have to change. We can’t look to politicians or the judicial system for change, but in a representative democracy, the government doesn’t change until the people it represents change.


About the Author

Dr. Shelton J. Goode

Dr. Shelton J. Goode, a graduate of the prestigious Diversity Leadership Academy, also earned a doctorate in public administration from the University of Alabama. He is a corporate executive and has more than twenty years’ experience leading and directing diversity and human resource departments for large global organizations. The author of Diversity Managers: Angels of Mercy or Barbarians at the Gate and So You Think You Can Teach: A Guide for the New College Professor on How to Teach Diverse and Adult Learners, Dr. Goode lives in the Atlanta area.

Also by Dr. Shelton J. Goode

Winter in America
Beyond Inclusion
Project Midnight


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