Coping With Longevity

A Family Journey With Dementia and Aging

by Nicholas Timko, Jr.


Book Details

How Would You Face A Life-Altering Crisis?

Meet John. A humble, kind man born six years before the Great Depression. He went off to war in 1943; returned, married, raised a family, and lived a good life. Slowly, a dreaded illness crept into his good life, changing his entire family forever.


About the Author

Nicholas Timko, Jr.

Nick has a Mechanical Engineering degree from Clarkson University. He was an Advisory Engineer at IBM Corp., designing computers and writing standards. He re-careered in 1993 and became a Registered Dental Hygienist. Nick’s first book “Velvet Crossovers” chronicles the months just prior to Czechoslovakia’s Velvet Revolution in 1989.

Also by Nicholas Timko, Jr.

Career Detour


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