Conversations with a Wild Man

by R. E. Daniels


Book Details

“All great truths begin as blasphemies.” —George Bernard Shaw

Spend a week with Cowboy, an experienced investigator who applies his unique skills and powers of observation to areas outside his profession in order to answer some of society’s most difficult questions. Through his travels, conversations, circumstances, and recollections, we recognize the wide gap between the ideas posed by religion and common sense as Cowboy poses the big questions: What are God’s intentions? What is the secret of happiness? The purpose of life? Unlike many, Cowboy unflinchingly receives the answers while breaching the limitations of theology, and while his circular logic and common sense will likely be disputed, they cannot be denied. Cowboy’s insight comes full circle to an understanding that life is not about all the things we are trying to acquire, but about all the things we are willing to let go of.


About the Author

R. E. Daniels

R. E. (Bob) Daniels was born and raised in the Black Hills of Wyoming, and he served six years in the United States Navy. He has traveled the world as a professional investigator in the engineering field for nearly three decades. Bob now lives in Iowa with his lovely wife, Kyle Ann, and is a father of five and a grandfather of five, along with all the unofficially adopted editions that call their place home. Conversations With a Wild Man is his debut novel.