PATRICK O’CONNOR is on the political science faculty of Oakland Community College, and is associate dean of college counseling at Cranbrook Schools, both in Metropolitan Detroit. A national speaker on all issues related to college admissions and education, Patrick teaches a college counseling course to both preservice and experienced counselors, and presents workshops on these topics to students, parents, and educators.
College Counseling for School Counselors
Delivering Quality, Personalized College Advice to Every Student on Your (Sometimes Huge) Caseload
by Patrick J. O'Connor, Ph.D.

College Counseling for School Counselors
Delivering Quality, Personalized College Advice to Every Student on Your (Sometimes Huge) Caseload
by Patrick J. O'Connor, Ph.D.
Published Sep 23, 2015
232 Pages
Genre: EDUCATION / Counseling / Academic Development
Book Details
“If you work with college-bound students, this book must be on your desk at all times.”
With more college options and higher college costs, students and parents need the advice and support of a well-informed school counselor to guide them through the college selection process. College Counseling for School Counselors gives counselors everything needed to build a successful college counseling program, no matter how many students they work with. After creating a framework for a strong curriculum, College Counseling for School Counselors shows how to explore all college options with students and families, including options for students with special needs and talents. The follow-up activities in each chapter give counselors resources that bring the ideas to life, and a three year calendar shows counselors how to introduce every idea at a manageable pace, building to a comprehensive college counseling program and strong individual college plans for every student. Busy, caring counselors will find everything they need in College Counseling for School Counselors to improve their college counseling program, and reach every student they work with.