Caroline's No Nightshade Kitchen: Arthritis Diet

Living without tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, and eggplant!

by Caroline Thompson

Caroline's No Nightshade Kitchen: Arthritis Diet

Caroline's No Nightshade Kitchen: Arthritis Diet

Living without tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, and eggplant!

by Caroline Thompson

Published Oct 12, 2012
255 Pages
Genre: COOKING / General


Book Details

Eliminating nightshade vegetables stops arthritis pain for many!

Welcome to Caroline's No Nightshade Kitchen: Arthritis Diet. Fourteen years ago, I discovered that I have arthritis in my hands. The pain was sudden and severe. For three years, I went to numerous doctors but found no relief for the pain I was enduring. A friend told me about the effect nightshades have on some people with arthritis. She explained that tomatoes, peppers, white potatoes, and eggplant, which are in the nightshade plant family, contain alkaloids. Alkaloids can cause serious inflammatory issues for people who have developed a high sensitivity to this chemical. I was desperate, and although I doubted eliminating nightshades from my diet would help, I tried it. In a few days, the pain, swelling, and redness disappeared completely, and stayed away as long as I avoided nightshade foods. I want to share what I've learned about nightshades, and the harm these foods cause many of us who suffer from symptoms of arthritis and other inflammatory illnesses. Eliminating these foods from your diet may significantly relieve your pain, and for many like myself, we live pain free. At the same time, I love to cook! I have developed the recipes in this book which provide savory food options without nightshades. The change in your diet is a simple price to pay for living better with arthritis. Arthritis changed my life, and now I'm changing it back. Living without nightshade foods made it possible. – Caroline Thompson


About the Author

Caroline Thompson

Caroline Thompson....The Cook. As a former banker, fund-raising executive for foundations, and abstract oil painter, Caroline brings much to the table as she presents a new way to prepare foods that are nightshade free. Her love for creative design infuses her menus which feature foods that delight. However, her menus no longer cause pain for those that are sensitive to nightshade foods. Caroline has honed her cooking skills at workshops around the country. In the late 1990s, she completed an intensive French cooking course at the Cooking School of the Rockies, in Boulder, Colorado. She completed a 12-day workshop at the Institut Paul Bocuse in Lyon, France, in 1997. Cooking remains a joy for Caroline!