Career Detour

Engineer to Dental Hygienist

by Nicholas Timko, Jr.


Book Details

Fifty Years - Two Careers

A kid interested in science, math, biology, and medicine became an engineer. A quarter century later he seriously looks at a complete career change. Read how his lifelong interest in dentistry led to a new career. Never boring, his stories of a quarter century in dental hygiene will give everyone hope that dramatic, unlikely career changes are possible.


About the Author

Nicholas Timko, Jr.

After earning engineering degrees at SUNY Broome Community College and Clarkson University, Nick spent 25 years working for IBM Corporation. He left IBM in 1993 and re-careered at SUNY Broome again, becoming a Registered Dental Hygienist.

Also by Nicholas Timko, Jr.

Coping With Longevity


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