Cafeteria Cuisine

The Guide to Eating Pre-Cooked Meals

by Thomas Shipp


Book Details

Cafeteria cuisine? Turn boring and bland to outstanding and grand!

Colleges, hospitals, military bases, and many other companies all over the world share one thing in common: a cafeteria that may prepare food for hundreds if not thousands daily. Cafeteria fare can be downright plain and uninteresting, but Cafeteria Cuisine will show you quick and easy recipes and meal pairings created from the precooked food and condiments offered by your cafeteria—and how to turn them into fresh new delights. From stuffed croissants to lemon-buttered crab legs, Thomas Shipp created unique meals in the Army’s dining facilities while stationed in Kuwait—using anything he could find to make his precooked meal taste better. Now he shares these recipes with you. Whether you rely on cafeteria cuisine or prefer to cook at home, Cafeteria Cuisine will open your eyes—and appetite—to new possibilities. Let’s eat! Bon appétit!


About the Author

Thomas Shipp

Thomas Shipp, born and raised in Byhalia, Mississippi, is the proud father of two beautiful young daughters—Maleah and Meilani. He has served as an active duty soldier in the U.S. Army for 19 years and is a self-taught cook. His popular Instagram account @tpeats6 showcased some of the meals he created while deployed in Kuwait (2016–2017) and led to the creation of this book.



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