Broken Ground of the Soul

The Healing Power of the Psalms

by Linda Compton


Book Details

"Linda Compton has written an inspired, compassionate and wise book. Take this healing journey through the Psalms with her and you might discover the depth of being human." – Rabbi Lavey Yitzchak Derby Internationally recognized Jewish educator "Broken Ground of the Soul took my breath away. I’m not a follower of the bible, but the words of the psalms and the writer’s words reached across time and space and really spoke to me. It’s a powerful message for anyone who is grieving and is having difficulty moving through it. This gives anyone reading Linda’s small book hope." – Gerry Cerf Executive Director, Women Incorporated Santa Fe, NM "Most contemporary readings of the Psalms are meant to soothe. Not Linda Compton’s. Her compact and intensely meaningful book is about healing, not soothing. Broken Ground of the Soul unlocks the raw, ancient, and elemental power of the Psalms—and offers profound and compassionate insight for all of us." – Scott Edelstein Author of Sex and the Spiritual Teacher


Book Excerpt

This book tells how to access a timeless, regenerative power which God is perennially and persistently extending to each of us in every moment. We seek stillness atop a whirling planet and silence amid the din of days. Ours is a dialectical existence. We live an amphibious life in a both/and world. Thankfully, we are designed and equipped to live in two worlds. But these worlds are not land and water: they are flesh and spirit. We are forever navigating between one reality and an equally real, compellingly commensurate opposite. Miracles are not only within reach, we can pursue them with the predictability of the Law of Cause and Effect. Given that, this book is also akin to a multi-dimensional treasure map, which reveals the ever-present, life-transforming, healing power of the Psalms.


About the Author

Linda Compton

Linda Compton, ordained Presbyterian clergy, served as Executive Director of Marin Interfaith Council; as Religion Program Officer for the Marin Community Foundation; and as Executive Director of The Whistlestop Senior Center. She's the recipient of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Humanitarian Award, from the Marin County Human Rights Commission; and the Heart of Marin Award for Excellence in Leadership. She lives in New Mexico.

Also by Linda Compton

Winged Gifts of Grace