Bridging the Gap Between Vision and Reality

Making Your Dreams Come Alive

by Katrina Wallace


Book Details

Is your dream alive and thriving or dormant and still?

This must read book explains how to bring your dreams to fruition. There are key steps that need to be embedded in our process in order to achieve our dreams. Often times the dream that has been placed in us is so big it appears impossible to achieve. Many of us want to move forward but do not know where to start. In this book you will find key steps and concepts that will assist you on how to begin your journey. If you are reading this back cover recognize that you are not the ordinary individual. You are extraordinary and looking to fulfill a God given vision in this season. Decide to be open minded and allow the creation of a new thought pattern. After reading this book you will not be the same. Wherever your dream or passion lies it will become more fervent and more attainable through the inspirational instructions provided in each chapter. Do not let the disappointments of past failures or the viewpoint of others paralyze you from making your dreams come alive. Be liberated and overcome natural fears and concerns. God is waiting on you to take the next step. Your vision can and will become a reality if you allow God to lead you and guide you. The concepts introduced in this book will empower you and balance your approach to building your bridge from vision to reality. All the best to you along this exciting journey!


About the Author

Katrina Wallace

Katrina Wallace is an inspirational motivational speaker that has dedicated the last 20 years of her life to helping others lead a progressive lifestyle. Katrina has launched several organizations and ministries over the years and has a wealth of experience in corporate, non-profit, and church settings. Katrina is a proud wife and mother.