Breaking Free From Demonic Forces

It’s Not Over Until God Says It Is

by Julia Shalom Jordan

Breaking Free From Demonic Forces

Breaking Free From Demonic Forces

It’s Not Over Until God Says It Is

by Julia Shalom Jordan

Published Nov 09, 2011
285 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / Christian Living / Spiritual Warfare


Book Details

JULIA JORDAN has taken her personal experince of demonic possesion and developed a ‘how to’ guide for helping people that are in search of clearing their lives from demonic entities. She shares her personal story and equips the reader with Bible-backed advise for what worked for her complete deliverance. She is not a demonoligist or exorcist. Julia was possessed with demons for an estimated fifteen years. She feels her years of suffering were a ‘school in and of themselves.’ She believes demonic possession is more common than America would like to admit. Her passion is to demystify and destroy this denial (along with the shroud of secrecy and shame that go with it.) Facing the facts and dealing with the reality of this worldwide issue can be the very thing that will motivate people to get the proper assistance and to help others. When life becomes hopeless and riddled with fear, there is no shame in searching for help. There is only complete despair when you do not receive it, and a life without hope is not a life spent wisely. Spiritual wellness is just as important as physical wellness, because a person is more than just a physical body. The human body contains the ‘heart’ of a person - the spirit and the soul. When the three elements of what make us human (spirit, soul and body) work together in harmony with God, that is a victorious life! Julia aspires that all people who are suffering from forces that seem too big for them to handle, simply turn to God and His practical instructions from the Bible for guidance. She prays that with this book, many will see that the answers to life’s ‘impossible’ situations have a solution. For with God, anything is possible!


About the Author

Julia Shalom Jordan

Julia Jordan was born in Chicago, Illinois. She attended Northern Illinois University for two years, and is a licensed esthetician in Illinois. She currently enjoys assisting her husband with his wellness business:, and enjoys speaking to teens about the hidden dangers of the occult.



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