
Adventures of a Not-So-Typical Baby Boomer

by Bob Bestvina


Book Details

College Adventure

One Thursday evening after a bunch of us had consumed several beers, our stupid genes kicked in, and we began talking about our next college prank: painting our dormitory name and floor number on the local water tower. “Let’s do it now,” someone said. So off we went to do the stupidest and most dangerous prank we had done to-date. The local water tower was an old fashioned model with what looked like a coffee cup on top. It was probably a hundred feet or so from the ground to the walkway around the water tank. After arriving at the tower, I began to wonder if I could do what was planned. I was always afraid of heights and my fear was about to be tested. A short while later I was midway up the first of two ladders. The first ladder angled inward to the bottom of the water tank. The second ladder angled outward from the top of the first ladder to the water tank walkway, leaving nothing but open space between me and the ground. Gary was already on the tank walkway, and he knew I would not make it to the top if I looked down. “Don’t look down,” he yelled. I didn’t look down and kept saying to myself, “I’m just a few feet off the ground.” One rung, another rung, a few more rungs, and my hand was finally on the rail to the walkway. I raised my leg up and over, and I was on the walkway. Then I looked down, something I should not have done. I freaked. How will I ever get down? Would I be returning to the dormitory or would I be going to jail?


About the Author

Bob Bestvina

The author’s lifelong goal was to write a book. After struggling with writing during his early life, the author made it a personal goal to write and write often. However, his career and raising a family did not leave time for a serious writing project until early 2018. A few months later, a draft manuscript of Boomer was completed. While contemplating his next writing project, the author continues to work in the healthcare industry, which he plans to do as long as possible. Reading great books, continuing to write, and working to stay healthy are the author’s primary pastimes.