Book Details

The long hard road escaping fascism for the American dream!

In the early 1920s Sicily was under siege as the movement of the fascist dictator Benito Mussolini was taking power and recruiting young men to build his Army. Two young brothers with little to eat and tattered clothing escaped his grips as they discovered the road to freedom was paved with danger, deception and lies.


About the Author

Anthony Puccio

I grew up at a time when story telling captivated an audience. Television was just beginning and would not reach me for years to come. For me it was radio and my father’s adventurous stories. It was during World War 2 and the years that followed; everyone wanted to be the hero. If you were the older guys, you had a better chance of being John Wayne. I was lucky, I had two younger brothers who were always the bad guys, until they rebelled and jumped me. However, as time passed, all the stories that my father told us would be forever stamped in my mind. Each adventure, I could feel his passion growing with one single purpose in mind: America. He was dead set on living the American Dream. It was an adventure that spanned many years and failed attempts that would only intensify his dream. For me he was my hero, I’m sure John Warne would have thought so, too. My adventure was writing this story and I enjoyed it every step of the way. I hope you enjoy reading it. Thank you.