Book Details

“Unusual and powerful work…A detective trying to solve the mystery of his spiritual life…A difficult but often captivating look at the legacy of abuse…Truly compelling and complex reflections.” —Kirkus Review

This is a memoir and narrative of relentless terror and of combating hatred through following a path of a higher good and an inner guiding light as a child, a teenager, and an adult. From age 4 until 18 (1951-65) he is conditioned like one of Pavlov’s dogs to scream and cry for his life at the hands of his biological father who is a monster.


About the Author

Bill Neely

In February of 2018, he received two awards from the Specialty Courts at Reno (Nevada) Municipal Court. One was for his service work for 4 years for court clients, and for establishing and leading the first Dual Recovery Anonymous Program for Specialty Courts. The second one, “All Rise”, was for his service achievements from the National Association of Drug Court Professionals. The photo on the front cover is the author in 1958 at 10 years old and his three younger brothers.



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