Big Mama

The World is a Playground--Enjoy it!

by Gwendolyn Jevita Cheatham, Ph.D.


Book Details

Big Mama The World is a Playground — Enjoy it!

“A harmonious life is a balance of respect for oneself and others, family involvement, loyal and wholesome friends, spirituality, a healthy social life, and participation in the community in which one chooses to live.” ...Gwendolyn Jevita Cheatham, Ph.D. This book is a compilation of the author’s original quotes, her reflections on life, and her poetry. The literary content, herein, encompasses a variety of sentiments--from “Big Mama” offering advice to poetry that touches one’s heart. The author shares a plethora of incredible experiences from her trips at home and abroad. Her down to earth manner provides a very riveting account of a world teeming with a diverse group of people who see the world as a challenging place to live, and as a “Wonderland.” In this book, the author “tells it like it is, not like it ain’t.”


Book Excerpt

"A person is either your friend,or the person is not. There is no middle ground in friendship."


About the Author

Gwendolyn Jevita Cheatham, Ph.D.

Dr. Gwendolyn Jevita Cheatham graduated from Morris Brown College and began her teaching career in the Atlanta Public School System. After teaching for several years, she became the Instructional Coordinator of the Booker T. Washington High School Humanities Magnet Program. Pursuant to her interest in administration, she became an Assistant Principal. She received her Masters Degree in French from St. Louis University and another Masters Degree in Liberal Education from St. John’s College in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She also graduated from Georgia State University with a Specialist Degree in Education Administration and Supervision, and earned her Doctorate Degree in Educational Leadership at Walden University, in Minneapolis. Harvard University selected Dr. Cheatham as one of the sixteen educators across the United States to receive a Grant for the study of Greek and Latin lyric. Her love of literature and zest for life inspired her to publish this extraordinary book.



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