Behind The Swinging Doors

The Back Room Of Food Service

by David Webb


Book Details

What You Don't See On The Menu

You are sitting at your table in a fine dining restaurant and suddenly a muffled crash is heard. The waiter assures you it is nothing. You notice groups of employees gathered around the edge of the dining room chatting about something. There is a faint smell of smoke in the air. Your server returns to take your order stating all is well. Two firemen in full gear walk through the dining room and into the unseen back. Just a funny made up story? No because I watched it happen. This is only one example of the misadventures, disasters, and downright comical behavior that goes on without the public knowing. Food service bands together some of the most unlikely crews and somehow manages to get the job done. This book explains the victories and failures that followed me through my career. Take a trip with me Behind the Swinging Doors.


Book Excerpt


About the Author

David Webb

50 years ago I began my food service career with no intention of staying in it. I needed money to buy my first car. After a few different jobs I was asked to begin cooking. I found I enjoyed it and the social trappings that went with it. I was trained by skilled chefs and good managers yet never went to culinary school. I have talked people into hiring me for nearly a half century and have never once been fired from a job although I have had many. I still cook for a living and still enjoy going to work. I'd say my career path was a good one.