Basics About the Typical Adult Female Human

by William M. Lybarger, Ed.D., C.T.

Basics About the Typical Adult Female Human

Basics About the Typical Adult Female Human

by William M. Lybarger, Ed.D., C.T.

Published Feb 16, 2018
75 Pages


Book Details

The more each one of us knows about our intended life partner, the greater the opportunity to build a long-lasting, more durable and meaningful relationship.

Basics About the Typical Adult Female Human is a work booklet designed to be an interactive communication tool for men who sincerely want to know and understand what is most important and most needed for the women in their lives. This tool provides a framework for obtaining at least some of that information and helps to set the stage for a couple to discuss these things. Intimate knowledge between two loving individuals can lead to a truly intimate relationship on several levels. Men who understand, respect and apply this knowledge in their relationship will be better able to provide the support and nurturance that is needed for the woman in their lives to blossom more fully — to achieve her spiritual intention. This intention may range from being a wife and mother to being a career woman, or to being a blend of the two, or both in different stages of her life. This booklet provides: a Background — an underlying perspective for men using this booklet which includes a list of what most women take responsibility for and/or experience, and a note about one of women’s most primal needs; Observations — a partial blend of specific areas and issues of behaviors, gender differences and misunderstandings that can be of importance in building and maintaining a long-term, loving relationship; and, Suggestions — some things that might be of particular importance to your woman when sharing a home and family life. When used as suggested in the instructions, this booklet helps set the stage to facilitate more effective communication to help establish, maintain, repair, or improve a long–term, loving and meaningful relationship.


About the Author

William M. Lybarger, Ed.D., C.T.

William M. Lybarger, Ed.D., C.T., is a licensed counseling psychologist. He earned his degree from Temple University in 1978. Dr. Lybarger has always considered himself to be a counseling “generalist” with particular interest in family/couples’ relationships, neurology, ADD/ADHD, trauma, and nutrition. He is presently a member of the APA, PPA, IATP, and is a Certified Thanatologist (grief and loss) through ADEC. He strives to stay current in his areas of interest and loves being a shepherd to those being challenged by life. “Dr. Bill”, as his colleagues call him, enjoys building and riding his 1/8 scale trains and plays his accordion as time permits. He considers himself to be, “just a regular guy!”