Mike has passed on into a world that exists at the Gates of Heaven itself, not once but twice. He has been asked to bring a message, to mankind, and this is it. Because of certain circumstances, Mike had turned his back on bringing this message forward. Ridicule and persecution as a child persuaded him to forgo writing or speaking of this. But time is of the essence and Mike has stepped forward to relay what he was shown and told.
The Story of a Boy and His Best Friend God
"Once More Hear My Feeble Voice"
by Micheal Andrisano

The Story of a Boy and His Best Friend God
"Once More Hear My Feeble Voice"
by Micheal Andrisano
Published Feb 22, 2023
322 Pages
Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Inspiration & Personal Growth
Book Details
It matters not how you worship your God, or even if you don’t believe in a God. The message in this book is for everyone who desires a better way to live life and enjoy the gifts of God, no matter who you make claim to being your God.
Many people today are lost, or becoming lost, caught up in the problems and faults that are not of your making. Choosing to ignore the fundamental gifts and the simplicity of living in a harmonious world—one that will provide for those who seek a way to comfort, and an understanding of life itself. God’s gifts to mankind have been ignored far too long. He has watched as mankind reinvents itself over and over, watching quietly the destruction of man by man. He grows tired and weary of mankind’s inability to bring into His Garden of Eden—this Earth—a more beneficial life for mankind and for this, His Garden. I have been given a task to try to deliver His message, and this is it.