A Special Gift

by Bob Benson, Josie Safir, and Nathan Safir


Book Details

When a boy learns his dog has special powers ....

On a cold rainy day, Max finds a dog on his front porch and names her Rosie. They soon form a strong bond, and Max becomes aware of Rosie’s mysterious power. He struggles to convince his parents and friends to believe him. But, as Rosie continues to use her special gift, something incredible happens. Read this book to find out how Max and Rosie’s extraordinary relationship impacts those around them and deepens friendships.


About the Author

Bob Benson, Josie Safir, and Nathan Safir

When Bob’s grandchildren, Josie and Nathan, finished learning how to read, they realized most introductory reading materials lacked an interesting story and developed characters. At the ages of seven and nine, Josie and Nathan worked with their grandfather to write a book young children would be excited to read.