The Mystery of the Eagle

The mystery of the Eagle that the house of Israel followed in captivity from Chaldean empire to the United States of America, is finally revealed (Deut.28:49)

by Septimus Bacourt

The Mystery of the Eagle

The Mystery of the Eagle

The mystery of the Eagle that the house of Israel followed in captivity from Chaldean empire to the United States of America, is finally revealed (Deut.28:49)

by Septimus Bacourt

Published Sep 14, 2018
105 Pages
Genre: RELIGION / General


Book Details


Surely the (Most High) will do nothing, without revealed his secret unto his servants the prophets (Amos.3:7) Israel, you are the only one, have I known among all the families of the earth: therefore, I will punish you for all your iniquities (Amos.3:2)

Israel, you are the only one, have I known among all the families of the earth: therefore, I will punish you for all your iniquities (Amos.3:2)


About the Author

Septimus Bacourt

I was born in (Haiti), in a town called (Moinson), all my families were Christian. Sometimes I went to the Church, just to satisfy them. I always thought that what they taught was not enough to pierce those mysteries. But the Wisdom of the “Almighty” And his Holy Spirit made me understand those mysteries, and wrote them in a book, for the house of (Jacob) who was scattered, in the four corners of the earth