A Journey With Chemotherapy

by Jane Garboden, MD


Book Details

How I survived colon cancer and a year of chemotherapy

Twenty-eight years ago I was diagnosed as having colon cancer. I had just lost my husband to a massive cardiac event. Life looked pretty grim. I was not sure I would survive knowing that one of my physician partners had died 3 years earlier with the same diagnosis. However God had a plan for me and I am still on earth.


About the Author

Jane Garboden, MD

My name is Jane G. (Gerneth) Garboden MD. I was a practicing Physician in the primary specialty of Pediatric Rehabilitation until cancer forced me to retire. I graduated from the then known Woman’s Medical College of Pennsylvania in 1965 now known as Drexel University College of Medicine. I did my internship at Strong Memorial and Highland hospitals in Rochester, NY. Then a residency in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at St Francis General Hospital in Pittsburgh, PA.