Achilles Sharpe Casebook

Case of the Missing Daughter and the Golden Elephant

by Travis Robbins

Achilles Sharpe Casebook

Achilles Sharpe Casebook

Case of the Missing Daughter and the Golden Elephant

by Travis Robbins

Published Mar 07, 2022
148 Pages
Genre: TRUE CRIME / Abductions, Kidnappings & Missing Persons


Book Details

Danger in the Gangster ERA of St. Paul, MN!

Achilles Sharpe is a retired boxer, turned private eye that works for the family business. The first case Achilles must find a missing bank Heiress that is linked to the mob. In his second case, Achilles must protect a valuable relic in a high priced museum that leads to more gangster involvement and danger.


About the Author

Travis Robbins

Travis Robbins is a first time author and writer who was involved in security work for more than 10 years and has a few different diplomas in his education for computers and management. He lives alone with his video games and his writing.