A Bias Toward Action

Creating Dynamic Cultures to Heal Stained Glass Paralysis

by Rev. Dr. Tina Carter & Rev. Dr. Mindy Johnson-Hicks

A Bias Toward Action

A Bias Toward Action

Creating Dynamic Cultures to Heal Stained Glass Paralysis

by Rev. Dr. Tina Carter & Rev. Dr. Mindy Johnson-Hicks

Published May 27, 2014
113 Pages
Genre: PHILOSOPHY / Ethics & Moral Philosophy


Book Details

Many churches and ministry organizations have taken the last five decades off. Working together, we can get them moving again.

In a world where agility, motion, and communication are key, churches and ministry organizations find themselves aching to achieve something meaningful but are mired in the past—trapped in the way things used to be. A Bias Toward Action offers dynamic leaders a new perspective into cultural re-creation that can move these helping organizations out of the paralysis our pews have engendered and into the light of active, gracious, life-sustaining activity. Let A Bias Toward Action inspire you to boldly approach your own call to action. Reach out effectively to bring God’s kingdom to earth as it is in heaven—in your newly re-created ministry setting where everything is fresh and every avenue is a possibility.


About the Author

Rev. Dr. Tina Carter & Rev. Dr. Mindy Johnson-Hicks

Rev. Dr. Tina Carter is a child of God, wonderer, daughter, mother, wife, pastor, scientist, engineer, writer, teacher, philanthropist, coach, storyteller, addict, recovering, hiker, walker, nature lover, friend, fun enthusiast, eager learner, listener, pattern recognizer, reader, expert knitter, trainer, strategist, hairball-orbiter, and, according to the best sources, awesome grandmother.

Rev. Dr. Mindy Johnson-Hicks, a Congregational Wesleyan pastor, lives happily in Austin with her wife Amy. For 16 years, she served churches as mentor, pastor, and crisis communications director. She authored two books and three church operations manuals and has designed leadership protocols for many church systems.

Rev. Dr. Tina Carter and Rev. Dr. Mindy Johnson-Hicks co-authored last year’s wildly successful book, The Wealth of Poverty.

Also by Rev. Dr. Tina Carter & Rev. Dr. Mindy Johnson-Hicks

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