Dr. Anthony Adamo is a practicing neurologist in Long Island, New York. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Neurology and is a graduate of Columbia University and NYCOM medical school.
The Room At The End Of The Universe
True Stories About The Struggle Against Brain Disease
by Dr. Anthony Adamo

The Room At The End Of The Universe
True Stories About The Struggle Against Brain Disease
by Dr. Anthony Adamo
Published Apr 22, 2022
262 Pages
Genre: MEDICAL / Essays
Book Details
In this unforgettable collection Dr. Adamo tells the stories of his patients stricken with various neurological disorders. They are ordinary people courageously dealing with extraordinary circumstances: a brilliant young girl who suffers a stroke and loses the ability to speak; a man who awakens from a coma and finds new meaning to his life; an aging widower who believes his long deceased wife visits him nightly; and many other moving essays. Told with compassion and eloquence, each of these tales conveys lessons about facing struggle, adversity and even tragedy with grace and dignity.