What Autism Gave Me

A Devastating Diagnosis To A Triumphant Life

by Michael Haigwood Goodroe


Book Details

An Unexpected Story of Hope and Perseverance

As a young child, it was obvious something was wrong with Michael. He lacked basic motor skills and was unable to follow simple instructions or answer questions. Testing revealed a diagnosis of autism with a low IQ. Experts insisted that leading an independent life would be impossible for him…and school was not an option. Supported by documentation and interviews, Michael’s heartfelt memoir traces the sustained challenges and turbulent journey he faced. His life was plagued by failures, negative results, rejections from schools, an inability to complete simple karate moves or participate in activities—all of which confirmed the hopeless situation. But Michael was surrounded by support, and he was encouraged to keep trying no matter how many times he failed. Developmental progress was not always obvious, but Michael was finding his own unique path. What Autism Gave Me is a powerful reminder that the human drive to succeed is stronger than any diagnosis. ------------------ Book Trailer Below: Click YouTube or Facebook Link


About the Author

Michael Haigwood Goodroe

Diagnosed with autism and severe learning problems, Michael Goodroe’s life opportunities were characterized as limited. Michael went on to earn a BA in History and a Master of Business Administration. He works full time; has a second-degree black belt; sings at fund-raising events; and serves as a motivational speaker. His memoir provides hope to others facing the devastating diagnosis of autism.