The Sensitive Heart Vision: Revelation Three

An Underground to Surface Exposure

by Hannah Hope

The Sensitive Heart Vision: Revelation Three

The Sensitive Heart Vision: Revelation Three

An Underground to Surface Exposure

by Hannah Hope

Published Feb 09, 2021
440 Pages
Genre: PHILOSOPHY / Free Will & Determinism


Book Details

The Sensitive Heart Vision Series…

Can there be war without weapons?

America’s Teachers are in a

War 4 Kids…

This is not a drill.

The Sensitive Heart Vision - Revelation Three is an Underground-to-Surface Exposure, disclosing a journey one could call The Path Forward… a Path of Purpose.

Presenting View#3 of the Vision Series, Hannah Hope paints another captivating picture, a Sensitive Heart picture that moves beyond teaching to explore everyday life, demystify the world of education, challenge demeaning stereotypes, and question the smokescreen status quo.

Vision reveals impactful snapshots of the spiritual guidance that, artfully glued together onto a revelational backing, make a riveting and powerful collage.

With honesty, humor, compelling style, and fluid creativity, The Sensitive Heart Vision is a bright light in the dark setting of America’s underfunded and often ignored public schools.

This inspired work features a new view…a fresh voice that takes the reader on a thought-provoking & entertaining journey.


About the Author

Hannah Hope

Hannah Hope is a classroom teacher who has taught in inner-city public
schools for 20-plus years.

In 1990, Hannah was compelled to begin documenting her teaching
experiences in a daily journal for an outlet and record of ongoing reality

The Sensitive Heart Vision Series is the culmination of over twenty
years of journal-keeping. It’s a follow-up to Teachers Have 9 Lives: Now or Never and Teachers Have 9 Lives: Remember You Forever...
the eye-opening Duology on the pressing realities about America's Teachers and their far-reaching impact on American society.

Also by Hannah Hope

The Sensitive Heart Vision: Revelation Two
The Sensitive Heart Vision
The Sensitive Heart Vision - Revelation One
Teachers Have 9 Lives
Teachers Have 9 Lives
Planet Seraphina at The Beach
Planet Seraphina at an Observatory
Seraphina and the Tail-waggers
Seraphina in Ukraine