The Preservation of War

by Captain Barry Davis


Book Details

The Preservation of War is written by authors and journalists from all over the world.

Pretext warfare is an invention of the war profiteer. A false flag is a planned war pretext designed to deceive. It is a political act orchestrated in such a way that it appears to have been carried out by a party that is not in fact responsible. False flags have been used since the civil war as a prelude to a dystopian world order. This process of change is called “globalization” and is becoming an “Orwellian nightmare”. It means the erosion of national boundaries and the reduced significance of national governments. We are moving from a world with borders to one without. Trumpism is an anti-globalization agenda that interrupted the dystopian world order but did not stop it. An element ignored in all the talk of an “Orwellian nightmare” is that the human spirit is still there. In 1787, an author writing under the pseudonym “Cato” concludes, that an American cannot be a tyrant. . . . “great power connected with ambition, luxury, and flattery, will as readily produce a Caesar, Caligula, Nero, and Domitian in America, as the same causes did in the Roman empire.”


About the Author

Captain Barry Davis

Captain Barry Davis served aboard US Navy and USMM ships for more than 30 years. During his long career Davis circumnavigated the Earth many times and is a direct witness to the human condition. He retired with the rank of Unlimited Master Any Gross Tons.