The Moose Family

Roaming the Forests, Footloose and Free

by Lonnie Schorer


Book Details

A Footloose Moose is Faster than a Goose!

The Moose Family is a bedtime story followed by questions for discussion. The moose family’s daily adventures include many of the challenges that can be emotional experiences for young children: saying goodbye to friends, moving to a different home, traveling long distances, exploring unfamiliar surroundings, wandering off and getting lost, feeling fearful of storms, welcoming a new sibling, and learning to cooperate and play together. Children can be encouraged to talk about their own experiences.


About the Author

Lonnie Schorer

Lonnie Schorer is an architect, archaeologist, author and aviatrix who enjoys spending time with her family, kayaking in glacial lakes and hiking in northern forests. She is often in the mood to meet a moose. Christopher Gorey has been making a living painting on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada for over 40 years. He is married and he and his wife Lynn have two children and two grandchildren. This is Mr. Gorey’s second children’s book.