The Man Manifesto

How to Satisfy, Love, and Cherish Your Woman

by Jacques M. Timma


Book Details

Secrets to Healthy, Happy Relationships Revealed!

Jacques Timma is a man of faith for whom love reigns supreme. In “The Man Manifesto”, he shares personal experiences of his long-term love affair with his wife to illustrate the beauty of love between a man and woman—and the emotional fulfillment, happiness, pleasure, and laughter it can bring.

Because he believes that true love exists and wants you to live a great love relationship with someone who has won your heart, Jacques explores emotions and the communication barriers you need to break in your relationship; reveals tips and good practices to help keep the love candle burning in your union; and warns you of the most common errors to avoid that might harm your relationship. Learn the fundamental steps to be a “good man” to your woman and how to love and treat her as the queen she is!


About the Author

Jacques M. Timma

Jacques M. Timma is a Relationship Coach and Marriage Counselor, holds an MBA from the University of Ashford. He married his high school sweetheart, Liliane, in Kansas in 2003, but they have been together for 25 years and have four beautiful children. “The Man Manifesto” is his debut book.