1- MUSTAFA ALMAHDI ALGAET is a PhD student at UTeM. His research interest is Quality of service (QoS) in wireless telemedicine. 2- DR. ZUL AZRI BIN MUHAMAD NOH is head of Advanced Networking and Distributed System research cluster. His current research interests include quality of service (QoS), wireless LAN, packet scheduling algorithm, and multimedia communication. 3- DR. ABDUL SAMAD SHIBGHATULLAH is a Senior Lecturer in faculty of information and communication Technology UTeM and his field is Scheduling and Agent Technology. 4- ALI AHMAD MILAD is a Ph.D. student at UTeM. His research interest is Very High Speed Wireless LANs. MAC protocols. 5- DR. AOUACHE MUSTAPHA is a Post-Doctoral at EESE Department, UKM University, Malaysia. He is a member in Smart Engineering Systems Research Group (SESRG) and Digital Signal Processing (DPS)-UKM University Malaysia. His research interests are intelligent systems, medical image processing, diagnostic systems, pattern recognition and communication systems.
Telemedicine and its Application in Healthcare Management
Telemedicine Management
by Mustafa Almahdi Algaet, Zul Azri Bin Muhamad Noh, Abdul Samad Shibghatullah, Ali Ahmad Milad and Aouache Mustapha

Telemedicine and its Application in Healthcare Management
Telemedicine Management
by Mustafa Almahdi Algaet, Zul Azri Bin Muhamad Noh, Abdul Samad Shibghatullah, Ali Ahmad Milad and Aouache Mustapha
Published Apr 22, 2014
236 Pages
Genre: COMPUTERS / Management Information Systems
Book Details
Telemedicine aims to support various medical application and services through a combination of information and communication technology (ICT), multimedia and computer networking technologies and telemedicine is defined as an application whereby medical information is sent through the phone, internet and sometimes other network for remote medical procedures or examinations and consultation.