The Broken Two-Party System

How a Multi Party System Can Restore Civility and Community to the Country

by Robert Alex

The Broken Two-Party System

The Broken Two-Party System

How a Multi Party System Can Restore Civility and Community to the Country

by Robert Alex

Published Aug 17, 2019
53 Pages
Genre: POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Process / Political Parties


Book Details

Where is George Washington when you need him?

Partisan politics.

A divided nation.

Divided families.

Long-term, corrupt, personal political dynasties.

Our two-party system has run amok, and vicious partisan politics is causing a great divide in the country. But why? This is not what George Washington or any of our Founding Fathers envisioned! In fact, they railed against the dangers of any two-party system.

In The Broken Two-Party System, author Robert Alex offers a uniquely practical, five-step strategy to end the political corruption and division we’re experiencing today. The book is a careful analysis of the path of domination the two-party system has taken throughout U.S. history, and pinpoints the exact reasons—including its basic binary structure—that a two-party system will not work. To begin restoring the American political landscape to the ideal system envisioned by our Founding Fathers, we need first to understand exactly why and how our two-party system has failed us as it has. In clear, concise prose, Robert Alex offers us that understanding.