Spiritual Immunity

Exaltation of the Holy Cross

by Carmen G. Garcon


Book Details

Even though spiritual immunity is supernatural, it is real because it lives in our souls forever.

The Concept of “Spiritual Immunity” is a genuine gift that will benefit generations to come. This immunity will spread like seeds that the wind blows, and plant itself in the hearts of our family members and everyone that God has placed in our midst. It would be wiser to start acting like a disciple and slowly start the fulfillment of our mission as to leave a path of spirituality that your descendants can model as heritage. Know how to manage your heritage properly and holistically. Assistance is around the corner, health advisors, spiritual directors and financial counselors.Please find someone to lead you in the right direction, genetically or spiritually, financial stability or lack thereof, then live with God's blessings!

No matter what happens, do not flee from God’s presence. Stay within God’s plan. Know that no one nor anything can take our soul away from God’s path. Jesus said, ”No one can steal them out of my Father’s hand”, (John 10:29). We are not alone, our Celestial Mother, Mary is on the battlefield with us.

Also by Carmen G. Garcon

Milave Maria Devotion