Brad Scornavacco is a professional martial arts instructor who has devoted his life to teaching students how to lead a good life and how to keep themselves safe from bullies, big and small. A graduate of Northwestern University with Degrees in Philosophy and Economics, Brad is the author of Systema Revelations: Lessons of the Russian Martial Art, and is the creator of the WarriorFit Portable Personal Training System. He lives in the paradise that is Colorado with his wonderful wife and two darling daughters.
So I Won't Have to Fight
Bully Solutions from Martial Arts Masters
by Brad Scornavacco
So I Won't Have to Fight
Bully Solutions from Martial Arts Masters
by Brad Scornavacco
Published Oct 17, 2014
411 Pages
Genre: EDUCATION / Philosophy, Theory & Social Aspects
Book Details
Understand And Stand Up - Stop Bullying Peacefully
Bullying in schools has gained national attention. Each new victim's tragic story raises the same confounding questions: Where do bullies come from? Who is to blame for children turning into bullies? Is bullying a rite of passage kids have to go through? Can bullying be stopped, and if so, how can I help my child?
Bullying can only be stopped when we dispel common myths about bullies. Bullies don't suffer from low self-esteem; they have inflated self-esteem. Bullying is more than simple disagreement or "drama." Girls bully too, often preferring to attack social ties to using brute force. Although children may need to face bullies, they can and should be supported by adults and given the tools to stave them off.
In So I Won't Have to Fight, professional martial artist Brad Scornavacco teaches you the secrets to stop bullying in all its forms - physical, verbal and social - with the art of "fighting without fighting."