Searching for Sara

A Mystery Novel

by James R. Frazee


Book Details

Is Sara real, or only a wish?

When Alex Gregory takes his first job for Sterling Chemicals, a company poised to make millions from their newest pesticide, he has no idea he’s stepping into the shoes of a murdered man. Alex soon discovers that the pesticide has a long-term effect on the environment that could threaten the lives of future generations. With the help of Leslie and Cindy, the three of them must expose the company, but must tread carefully, or they will meet their own untimely deaths. In Searching for Sara, Alex and Leslie set out on a new adventure that will solve a ten-year mystery or lead to their demise. At the same time, they are being stalked by a killer who they thought was in prison.


About the Author

James R. Frazee

James Frazee is an avid cook and bridge player. Raised in the Midwest, he received his Doctorate from Purdue University. He currently lives in New York City. The Mosquito Bites (2017) is his third book and first fiction novel. Like his protagonist, Alex, Dr. Frazee spent his early career working for a chemical company. His own experiences and education form the expertise and story for this book. Searching for Sara is his fourth book and second mystery novel. It begins where The Mosquito Bites ends, with the same characters involved in a totally different adventure, one that could change their lives and relationship, but a journey that must take place. His first book, Beginning Bridge by the Numbers (2014) is a ‘how to’ book on the basics of bridge for beginners. His second book, Quick and Healthy Recipes from the Store (2014), provides healthy meals using what you already have in your kitchen.