Book Details


7 Keys To Success Live life and say it to yourself all the time, life is good no matter the situation you are in. Tell yourself it will get better and “believe” it will. I am living proof of this “LIFE IS GOOD”. Your Guide To Life Changes. “Not Just A E-Book The Success Bible” “THE WILL” Why you want to succeed? It could be $money$, it could be working from home, or given your family nice vacations. Whatever the reason, that’s the drive behind your will. Without the “will” there’s little reason to develop the other keys to success. I suggest happiness.


About the Author

Glenn Hall

Through all my trials and tribulations in life I started to notice one thing, I was causing the problems in my life, but I did not understand why. I was a firm believer of “do the right thing the right thing comes back” and when you “do the wrong thing the wrong thing comes back”. But what happens when you do right and the wrong come back? I created a system that will help you reach your success no matter what situation you are in. First, staying positive in negative situations and knowing without them both there would not be any success at all.