Perfect Passing

Featuring the RPRS

by Roczilla


Book Details

Grading Quarterbacks Passing Performances With 100 Percent Accuracy

The RPRS is truly the standard in grading a passer’s passing performances you saw how the RPRS destroy the NFL Passer Rating System with the head to head battle and place all 158.33 club members in order. You can see the 100% accuracy in the passer’s standings. The RPRS has the ability to grade perfection at its maximum and prove its accuracy that way you will always know who the best is and passers will never outgrow the system truly making it the best system and the true standard to use in grading a passer’s passing performance. The truth is finally here to continue to use the other systems is not only a insult to the fans but the players who play the game.


About the Author


Roczilla here born and raised in Salem, NJ attended the public schools and colleges in the area studying physic and acquiring a degree in Mechanical Engineering. Has worked in the chemical and textile industry. Lives in New Castle, DE. Is married to Margarita Mendez. Has two daughters and 6 grandchildren.