One Jesus, One Way

by The Proving Jesus Group


Book Details

Out of many paths, Jesus is the one

"One Jesus, One Way" is God acceptance. Many that have chose to believe, struggle with the life accepted by God. As to the unbelievers, some claim the Bible was written by man, I usually ask, other than man who would have written it? In watching a movie based on a true story, we tend to believe its basis, though, we have never seen or met the characters in the film. Instead of listening to those before us, maybe we should practice our belief and see where it will lead. For the group, the solution is written in the Holy Bible. 'One Jesus, One Way' records the answers for one in the group. As to those struggling like I do, this book will help to answer some of the difficult questions. I am only interested in the truth. Therefore, a second, third, fourth and etcetera opinion is welcome.

Recognize the industry of Christianity. Our particular genre depends on our faith. I am able to illustrate God acceptance because I have lived it. Presently, I am more confident to move forward with this life. Many are not willing to do according to God's will. Hence, 'One Jesus, One Way' is definitely, not the book they should read.


Book Excerpt

Each church received only one message, which gives the impression of the seven churches in that region. They all lived by six of the seven philosophies John had received


About the Author

The Proving Jesus Group

After about seven years of learning faith, one in the group began to understand it. Considering the challenge, a group was formed. Rather than a study group, we are more a trust group. We base our belief on the fact that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He builds his church on this fact. Therefore, his church is built within us, which abides by the seven messages John received for the churches in Asia Minor. This is wisdom beyond the world. Unlike in the Old Testament, we cannot defile his church. It is a new movement.