Nobody's Girl

Novel based on a true story

by Rachel Vasquez-Price


Book Details

Life is Full of

Unforeseeable Outcomes.

This is a story of a girl named Aurora whose mother was pregnant with her when the family migrated from Mexico to the United States and who were completely unprepared for the hardships and tragic events that they would have to endure. With limited skills and no knowledge of English, they would embark in a life-changing adventure to a foreign country that would prove disastrous in many ways for Aurora until a complete stranger helped to change it.


About the Author

Rachel Vasquez-Price

Rachel Vásquez-Price grew up hearing many stories of the hardships that many Mexican immigrant families endured as they journeyed to the United States during the Mexican Revolution. She attended Pasadena College and graduated in 1962 with a B.A. in education. In 1978 she received her M.A in education from the California State Polytechnic University in Pomona. She was employed by the Hacienda La Puente School District for thirty-six years as an elementary school teacher and Resource Teacher. She is currently retired and residing in West Covina, CA.

Also by Rachel Vasquez-Price

Reina The Cat
An Unpredictable Journey