Marjorie is a lifelong devotee of divine revelation in Creation and Scripture. She enjoys God’s gifts of family, friendship and community. Mulled WORDS was first written in anecdotal prose (WinePress, 2009). Marjorie is also the author of MULLED PSALMS: Moving from I to We (Wipf and Stock, 2014) and TO THE NTH DEGREE (Outskirts Press, 2023). For audio excerpts and video interviews, visit her website,
Mulled Words
A Word a Week from God's Word
by Marjorie Gray

Mulled Words
A Word a Week from God's Word
by Marjorie Gray
Published Oct 15, 2024
194 Pages
Genre: BIBLES / God's Word / Devotional
Book Details
Taste and See
Do you long for God’s love, joy and peace in this troubled world? MULLED WORDS provides insight and inspiration to carry you through each day with sips of Scripture’s rich wine. Its basic ingredient is “living water” (John 7:38), also known as “new wine” (Matthew 9:17). A new theme is featured each week, from Awe to Zeal.
Book Excerpt
Consider this your invitation to relax and mull,
treasure up and ponder like Mary,
meditate day and night like the psalmist.
Be in AWE of God
Taste the BREAD of Life
Hear the Spirit's CALL
Realize heart's DESIRE
Envision EARTH restored
Welcome FREEDOM in Christ
GROW in gratitude
Turn HOPE to trust
Thrive with INTEGRITY
Rediscover JOY
Delight in God's KEEPING
Rise in LOVE
Learn from the MAKER
Recognize OPENINGS
Read and PRAY
RECEIVE God's good gifts
Reflect and SHINE
TRUST the Teacher
Be understood and UNDERSTAND
Revere the VOICE
WORK and rest
EXALT and stay humble
Appreciate YOUTHFUL vigor
Flourish together in Godly ZEAL
treasure up and ponder like Mary,
meditate day and night like the psalmist.
Be in AWE of God
Taste the BREAD of Life
Hear the Spirit's CALL
Realize heart's DESIRE
Envision EARTH restored
Welcome FREEDOM in Christ
GROW in gratitude
Turn HOPE to trust
Thrive with INTEGRITY
Rediscover JOY
Delight in God's KEEPING
Rise in LOVE
Learn from the MAKER
Recognize OPENINGS
Read and PRAY
RECEIVE God's good gifts
Reflect and SHINE
TRUST the Teacher
Be understood and UNDERSTAND
Revere the VOICE
WORK and rest
EXALT and stay humble
Appreciate YOUTHFUL vigor
Flourish together in Godly ZEAL