Martha's Vineyard

A Garden Plot - Book One of Mongoose Trilogy

by Ray Lanthier


Book Details

The Privileged Class Reaches Down and Out

A divorced European-bred octogenarian takes in a less fortunate widow from the barrios of Los Angeles to take care of her full-time in her Napa Valley mansion. The mix of classes and family conflicts is toxic and unpredictable. Even urban artist sub-culture and international politics invade the elegant lives of the Grand Napa Valley Estate.


Book Excerpt

Martha shielded her eyes and looked up to the cloudless sky. Dark green rows of grapevines dripped down from distant slopes. As with many vineyards in Napa, there were no nearby stately houses or servant quarters. The owners lived miles away but a couple of workers with straw hats that had colored scarves wrapped above the rim were bending over doing some invisible task. Martha had clipped a small pink rose, red amaryllis, purple hyacinth, blue aster and an orange Asiatic lily all strewn on her lap.


About the Author

Ray Lanthier

Ray Lanthier, a computer programmer, musician and published poet has written plays and short stories. He is currently writing novellas of which Martha’s Vineyard is the first offering.

Also by Ray Lanthier

The Red Amaryllis