Jesus An Authorized Biography

by Lester Meredith


Book Details

The Gospels became a passion for me. I was determined to harmonize them into one seamless account. I devoted two years, 600 hours to studying the gospel scriptures and numerous commentaries. There were many mysteries to unravel. I found that indeed the Gospel accounts do perfectly agree with each other.

As I read the Gospels I was disturbed by the perceived discrepancies between their accounts of Jesus’ life. I knew that this was not possible because it is God’s Word. So I decided to set the gospels side by side and organize each event in chronological order. I did discover that all of the recorded events in Jesus’ life did line up after all.

I decided to collect other historical records and Jewish cultural writings that would go along side the Gospels. I have recorded many fascinating events about Jesus and his followers that were not recorded in the Gospels. Somewhere along the way I felt that I should share these writings with others. But how could I really relate this great love story to the reader. I was born about 2000 thousand years to late to be able to be with Jesus during his earthly ministry. So I decided to write as one of Jesus’ followers. Not as one of the 12 apostles but as one of the many who were not named.

This book should not and does not replace the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. It does provide an interesting and chronologically accurate account of the earthly life of Jesus the Christ.


Book Excerpt

I am just an ordinary man who grew up in Nazareth. I may be an ordinary man, but I have lived an extraordinary life. Not really because of anything that I have done; but rather because of the one that I know. I am a follower of the man who was believed to be the Christ. Before he was revealed by John the baptizer, he was known as Jesus of Nazareth.

So as not to cast any unwanted attention on myself, I am not going to reveal my name. I am only one of the followers that were with Jesus from before the time of his baptism until he was taken up from us. I was not one of the chosen 12 apostles. There were many of us who followed this man that were not chosen as apostles........John and his brother James were really something while we were growing up. We spent many evenings playing games out in the wilderness. Many times John and James’ cousin would play with us. He had a great imagination and was so much fun. Their cousin became the most famous person ever. Their cousin was none other than Jesus himself. That’s right, Jesus was there cousin. You see, John and James’ mother was Salome who was the sister of Mary, Jesus’ mother. We had no idea growing up that Jesus was the Son of God. He was a normal kid like the rest of us. Well, except that he never seemed to get into trouble like the rest of us. The rest of us were taken back behind the donkey shed many times to be chastised for our mischief......... I will never forget this one particular day that John was at the river preaching the coming of the Lord and baptizing. I had gone down to hear him several times. I also went down to let him baptize me. On this day there was a feeling in the air. I had such a feeling of expectancy. We all expected the coming of the Messiah and soon. But I didn’t expect him on this day. As others were being baptized and while John was speaking to the crowd, Jesus stepped forward to be baptized. “Oh look,” I said, Jesus was going down to be baptized. John being the cousin of Jesus knew him only as his cousin. When Jesus approached John to be baptized, the look on John’s face changed. John realized that Jesus was not just his cousin, but was the Messiah. John said “Who am I to baptize you, I need you to baptize me.” Jesus replied, “Let it be so now, it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness.” Then John consented and baptized him. What was that all about? Why would John want Jesus to baptize him. ‘This was to fulfill all righteousness.’ What did Jesus mean by that? What is going on? I was confused about what I was hearing and seeing.

As soon as Jesus was baptized, he came up out of the water. At that moment Heaven was opened, and we saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on Jesus. And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” Did you hear that? Oh my God, Jesus is the Messiah, the Christ; the Son of God. I was speechless. My head was spinning out of control. I have to say it again, Oh my God, Jesus is God. Right there, I knew that my life was about to change forever. I cannot explain how it feels to know that one of your lifelong friends is the Son of the Living God. The eternal everlasting God! How do you wrap your mind around that? My friends were more than friends. John is a prophet of God and Jesus is God. What an awesome day that was. I just want to shout every time I remember that awesome day.


About the Author

Lester Meredith

I asked Jesus to be my Lord when I was 16. But it was about 20 years later before I really decided to surrender to Jesus. Even then I still had to learn how to surrender all.

I have learned that having a real relationship with Jesus is through renewing my mind by reading God's Word daily and praying daily. By truly making God first in my life.

I decided that I must use this one life that God has given me to make a difference in peoples lives for eternity.

This book is one way that I hope to change lives. Jesus is truly my hero and I hope that he is or will be yours too!