Last Man Standing

The Life of an Urban Man

by Gene L. Harmon


Book Details

The life and conquest of life’s survival in a city that faces impossible odds to succeed

This book illustrates and tells about the life and events of my childhood that matured into adulthood; Most of the descriptive events of my childhood are true and some occurrences were told to me by my parents and family members with a colorful emphasis of my life I had experienced growing up to be the man I’m today, “The Last Man Standing” My book is unlike most books of black ethnics growing up in the metropolitan inner-city ghetto of the nation’s poverty stricken neighbor hoods faced with all adversities that most blacks experienced, but a more telling of my life and how as a Black American I was forced to become the man I’m in my own right, and how I encouraged my self-entrance of family, love, education, and most important influence of religious aspect of my life.


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About the Author

Gene L. Harmon

How I became a self-made black man in an Urban Ghetto that was design to fail most men in a city that was in despair with poor living conditions, lack of financial gain, education, and inadequate housing. It was necessary to cling to religion and family with a strong belief of God and Faith.