Hotel Hell

Take a Journey Through the Eyes of an Overnight Hotel Clerk

by Monica Savioz

Hotel Hell

Hotel Hell

Take a Journey Through the Eyes of an Overnight Hotel Clerk

by Monica Savioz

Published May 12, 2015
106 Pages
Genre: BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Personal Memoirs


Book Details

In Hotel Hell we take a journey through the eyes of a hotel night clerk. In this fantastic debut novel, readers will experience how guests and hotel staff interact; producing stories that will make you laugh, cry and provoke outrage.


Book Excerpt


About the Author

Monica Savioz

Monica Mary Savioz is originally from Shillington, Pennsylvania. She currently resides outside of Philadelphia with her husband Edward and their beloved Yorkies, Porsche and Bentley. As number five of eight siblings, she proudly stands tall at 4’7. Growing up, she and her family learned to overcome the numerous challenges that come with being a little person.