His Best Kept Secret

God's Plan for Christ Body/The True Church

by Dorothy Smith


Book Details

An Introspective look at “Today’s Church” vs. The True Church

It is my express desire to fulfill this mandate received from God concerning the state of Jesus Christ bride, The Church. Infiltrators have entered the bride of Christ and have cause disfiguration within her body. These professed leaders who I believe for some started out right but have ended up wrong all because of their own selfish gains are responsible for the wounds and scars throughout her body. She has been severely beaten from their pulpits and dismembered, left shattered and scattered. But God the Father through the shed blood of Jesus Christ HIS only begotten son will never abandon HIS children leaving us orphan. God has and will always provide a way of escape for HIS people, from HIS enemy, and a great plan awaiting them. My prayer is that this little book will help those like me and countless others who find that they can no longer identify with “Today’s Church”. That it will help you understand the problem is not you but the conditions of the wounded bride of Christ. This caused by way of leaders who God called but have altered the Truth or men and women who have robbed themselves. My dearly beloved brothers and sisters God has raised and is raising up remnants of ‘The True Church’ all across the lands. I urge you to pray and allow God to connect you to the bride of Christ, “The True Church”.