If You Are Going Through Hell - Don't Stop - Keep Going

Guide to Transition

by Daniel C. Borschke, FASAE, CAE

If You Are Going Through Hell - Don't Stop - Keep Going

If You Are Going Through Hell - Don't Stop - Keep Going

Guide to Transition

by Daniel C. Borschke, FASAE, CAE

Published Nov 29, 2014
244 Pages
Genre: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Careers / Job Hunting


Book Details

Shining the light under the basket of transition and job search…

Job transitions and searches can be hell! While we all experience ups and downs, job changes can be as painful as root canals and giving birth. And as the economy has changed, so have the rules—making, finding (and keeping) a job a full-time endeavor. For every $10,000 of salary, it takes one month of job searching, so it’s more important than ever to be smart about your personal marketing tour. If You Are Going Through Hell is your go-to guide to make the process of finding a job, and keeping a job, a little less painful—and far more successful. This concise, easy-to-follow book shares stories and the real-life experiences of the author’s job searches and transitions over the course of his professional career. It also offers practical recommendations and solutions to help you in your own job search and transition. The employment road may be bumpy, but armed with the right tools—and the right attitude—you’ll be able to navigate it more smoothly toward success!


About the Author

Daniel C. Borschke, FASAE, CAE

“Dan’s transparency and commitment to share his transition experience inspires a leadership dialogue of courage, endurance and resiliency. He motivates us to lead by example.” —Michelle Mason, FASAE, CAE, President and CEO Association Forum of Chicagoland Chicago, IL “Very rarely does someone share their personal story at this level. How kind of Dan to do so and what a gift to so many in transition to know that they are not alone.” —James Zaniello, President and Founder Vetted Solutions Washington, DC “Moments into our first meeting I knew Dan was the perfect leader to unite owners/competitors who shared the same marketplace. As Board Chair it was amazing to watch Dan inspire members to lead and succeed together. His story is one more example of his devotion to helping others succeed even during difficult times.” —Kit Moss, MBA, HBS ‘64, President and CEO Kit Moss Marketing, Inc. Northbrook, IL “Experience is a tough teacher, it gives you the test first and then the lesson. This book teaches you the lesson through Dan’s experience as a true seasoned association professional. It is a must read for the new aspiring executive and the old timer as well.” —Jonathan T. Howe, JD, FASAE, Founding Partner/President Law Offices of Howe & Hutton, Ltd., Chicago, IL