Karen Kossie-Chernyshev, PhD, is an award-winning writer and professor of history. Her inspirational book _Gift Out of Africa: Bearing and Sharing the Gifts of God in You_ has been named a Finalist in the Religion/Religious Non-Fiction category of the 2009 Next Generation Indie Book Awards, and she has been named "2009 J. McCleary Teacher of the Year" for Texas Southern University, where her research focuses on African American history and religion in the African Diaspora. A woman of many gifts and talents, Dr. Kossie-Chernyshev is also the minister of music at the Latter Day Deliverance Revival Center, Houston, TX, where her father, Bishop Roy Lee Kossie, is founder and pastor. She holds a dual BA in French and English (Rice University), an MA in French (Michigan State University); an MA in history (Rice University); and a PhD in history (Rice University). She speaks French, Spanish, and Russian, and she has studied, traveled, and conducted research in Western Europe, the Americas, Scandinavia, Eurasia, and off the coast of Africa.
Gift Out of Africa
Bearing and Sharing the Gifts of God in You
by Karen Kossie-Chernyshev, PhD
![Gift Out of Africa](https://outskirtspress.com/images/author_content_thumbs/52927A/cover.jpg)
Gift Out of Africa
Bearing and Sharing the Gifts of God in You
by Karen Kossie-Chernyshev, PhD
Published Jan 22, 2009
115 Pages
Genre: POETRY / Subjects & Themes / Inspirational & Religious
Book Details
Out of Egypt
I Called My Son
A fresh take on the Christmas story, Gift Out of Africa is a must read for those who want to live their lives to the fullest. Gift Out of Africa takes readers on an inspirational journey from Christmas to the Ascension. It encourages readers to surrender their gifts to God, hone them with diligence and patience, and use them for God’s glory and honor now and forever.
Book Excerpt
Meditation 5: ‘Twas the Night After Christmas’: Caring for the Gift
The angel of the Lord said, “Arise, take the young child and his mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I bring you word: for Herod will seek the young Child to destroy Him.”
Very often when we read the Christmas story, we end it at Jesus’ birth, enjoy all the gifts we receive for His birthday, and then head for the New Year. We often forget that immediately after Jesus’ advent, His family faced a tremendous trial. Caring for Him required the full cooperation of both parents. Had the Lord asked Joseph to go to Egypt alone, there would have been no problem. He could have “roughed it” like a man. But he was told to “flee” with a “child” and the baby’s “mother.” The command almost seems contradictory. Even the escape itself is complicated. It is one matter to flee alone, but altogether another to “flee” with a post-partum woman and her newborn child. The woman has been weakened physically and emotionally by childbirth, the baby is likely to cry and bring attention to the great escape, and all are vulnerable to seen and unforeseen circumstances.
Joseph was commanded to take his wife and the Baby with him. The family traveled as a complete unit. He was not instructed to send Jesus alone or with His mother to live with Aunty for a while, but rather to flee with both to safety. The Lord wanted the family unit to be in tact physically to handle this particular trial. Obedient to the command of God, Joseph provided a spiritual covering for the Child and His mother.