Find a Job. Now!

21 Rules for Success

by Annamarie Altomare


Book Details

What does it take to find the job you want?

According to the latest research, every job you see posted on the Internet in the U.S. will have on average, approximately one hundred and twenty applicants (per job.) From that number, only twenty per cent will receive a request to interview, and only one person will actually receive an offer of employment. With this kind of competition, what is the best way to get your resume to stand out and be part of that top twenty per cent? Do what others are not doing: apply for the right position for you, and provide an outstanding, well-crafted resume. If you learn and use the techniques in this book, you will avoid wasting valuable time applying for jobs that will never result in an interview or a job offer. You will find new purpose and direction, connect with more influential people, and increase your income automatically with a great job. You can finally stop wasting time looking for the wrong job which keeps you from raising your standard of living, getting that new car you need, and taking better care of your family. This book provides the necessary actions and plans to help you “Find a Job, NOW!” so you can increase your purpose, attract influential people and increase your income: ▪ Using the exercises in this book, you can pinpoint the right industry for you! ▪ Learn how to write a resume that gets you noticed! ▪ Discover successful interview techniques and make a lasting impression on your next employer! It’s time to ACT so you can “Find a Job. NOW!” Start doing what it takes to get the right job for you, attract the people you want to attract, and achieve the income you want to achieve.


Book Excerpt

"What is it that you want to do when you exchange your time for a paycheck? How do you get that job you want, in the career field you most desire to be a part of, getting paid what you are worth and enjoying yourself all at the same time? The process involves you. You must take control of your skills and desires in a way that gets your foot in the door with the prospective employer that needs and wants your skills. How do you do this? By first examining what job you are applying for and ensuring you have the minimum qualifications. Then look at how you are marketing your resume to the prospective employer. You do not need a commercial production to show how good you are. But you do need to evaluate what you already have, what you still need to acquire, and how to package all of your skills and talents in a way that demonstrates you as the best candidate for a particular position."


About the Author

Annamarie Altomare

Annamarie Altomare is one of those amazing women that rises to the top. Going through two careers with over six-figure incomes in each, she shares her secrets in her book, Find a Job. Now! Annamarie lives in Texas with her husband and their two German Shepherds, Stella and Güenter.